
Cada año nos encanta juntarnos profesores y alumnos para pasar un rato divertido a modo de Quiz. Para quien no sepa aún lo que es un Quiz, es un concurso en el que hacemos preguntas de diferentes temas y los alumnos por equipos tienen que adivinarlas para poder luego conseguir premios!

Normalmente antes de Navidad quedamos así que si eres parte de la English City Valencia community te esperamos en el próximo!!

Why don’t you try out our quiz yourself? Below are the answers!

English City Lore –  Round 1

  1. What are the ingredients in Sally’s famous English sandwiches?
  2. What year was English City Valencia Founded? 
  3. Where did your English city teachers live before they moved to Valencia?
    Name 3  places
  4. How many classrooms does English City have?
  5. Name all English City classrooms. 

Geography – Round 2

  1. Name up to 5 airports you can fly to, to reach London.
  2. What countries make up the United Kingdom? 
  3. What do Scotland and Cataluña have in common? 
  4. Where did Tea originate from?
  5. What do English people celebrate on the 23rd of  April?
  6. What colours does the English flag have?

English Culture – Round 3

  1. Name 2 food dishes you would find on a typical English Pub Menu:
  2. Which 2 animals are found on a British Passport cover? 
  3. What year was the Brexit vote?
  4. Name the current Prime Minister?
  5. What day is it Bonfire night?

Christmas – Round 4

  1. Name a character who doesn’t like Christmas.
  2. How many ghosts visit the main Character in Charles Dickens’ novel ‘A Christmas Carol’?
  3. What colour are mistletoe berries?
  4. What three things do children leave out for Santa on the night before Christmas?
  5. What is the name of the Christmas bird you see on Christmas cards?
  6. If you are born on Xmas Day what star sign are you?
  7. Which European country is the largest natural Xmas tree exporter? 

Finish these Proverbs – Round 5:

  1. You can’t teach an old dog new…….
  2. A picture is worth a thousand…..
  3. Laughter is the best….
  4. Practice makes…
  5. You can’t make an omelette without breaking a few…
  6. Easy come, easy ….
  7. There is no time like the…..
  8. Hope for the best, prepare for the….
  9. No man is an ….
  10. The pen is mightier than the….

General Trivia – Round 6

    1. Which mammals can fly?
    2. What is the largest organ in the human body?
    3. What is the main ingredient in ice cream?
    4. What is heavier gold or silver?
    5. How many stars are there on the Chinese Flag?
    6. What does the word panettone mean?



    English City Lore –  Round 1

    Cucumber and cheddar


    Bilbao, Argentina, Brazil, Granada, Ireland

    Queensway, Windsor, Paddington, Kensington, Buckingham


    Geography – Round 2

    Luton, Stanstead, Heathrow, London City, Gatwick

    Wales, Scotland, England and Northern Ireland

    Independence Referendum 


    St George

    White and red


    English Culture – Round 3

    Toad in the Hole, Club Sandwich, Gammon and Chips, Fish and Chips

    Lion and Unicorn.


    Keir Starmer

    5th of November


    Christmas – Round 4




    Milk, cookies, carrots, alcohol





    Finish these proverbs – Round 5 :

    You can’t teach an old dog new…….Tricks

    A picture is worth a thousand…..Words

    Laughter is the best….Medicine

    Practice makes…Perfect

    You can’t make an omelette without breaking a few…Eggs

    Easy come, easy….Go

    There is no time like the…..Present

    Hope for the best, prepare for the….Worst

    No man is an ….Island

    The pen is mightier than the….Sword


    General Trivia – Round 6:






    Small loaf of bread